Venus- Mindset & Psychology

2 Step Approach to Decision Making: Daniel Kahneman

2 Step Approach to Decision Making: Daniel Kahn...

1. What is your Current Process for making decisions? 2. What are the two steps that Daniel mentions?

2 Step Approach to Decision Making: Daniel Kahn...

1. What is your Current Process for making decisions? 2. What are the two steps that Daniel mentions?

Advice for 16 Year Olds: Jordan Peterson Learn with Tree

Advice for 16 Year Olds: Jordan Peterson

1. What is something you want to accomplish in the next year? 2. What is something you want to accomplish in your lifetime?

Advice for 16 Year Olds: Jordan Peterson

1. What is something you want to accomplish in the next year? 2. What is something you want to accomplish in your lifetime?

Advice to Young People: Jordan Peterson Learn with Tree

Advice to Young People: Jordan Peterson

1. Are you okay with your current situation? 2. What are your next 5 moves to turn your situation around if you are not okay with it?

Advice to Young People: Jordan Peterson

1. Are you okay with your current situation? 2. What are your next 5 moves to turn your situation around if you are not okay with it?

Kanye West's Advice to Young People Learn with Tree

Advice to Young People: Kanye West

1. What is your Vision and Why? 2. What do you feel like doing and why is it the right thing to do?

Advice to Young People: Kanye West

1. What is your Vision and Why? 2. What do you feel like doing and why is it the right thing to do?

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